How Do I Decide Which Shutters are Right for Me?

How Do I Decide Which Shutters are Right for Me?

Choosing hurricane shutters for your home is a big decision.  After all, some of them are “permanent,” so they change the look of your home.  Some of them are easier to deploy than others.  And, there are price differences between them.  While it is a big decision, it is one that we are confident you […]

Hurricane Shutters Vs. Hurricane Fabric Panels

If you are in the market for hurricane coverings for your windows, you probably have some questions.  We wanted to address one of these questions for you.  Should you choose hurricane shutters or hurricane fabric panels?  You may not even know about the fabric panels as many people don’t.  They are newer to the market […]

Forget Spring Cleaning – Let’s Do Spring Sprucing!

Bahama Shutters: Stylish Hurricane Protection with Caribbean Charm

With the arrival of spring here on Florida’s east coast comes many things. We enjoy temperatures in the 70s and 80s throughout the day. All our green foliage starts sprouting whatever pretty flowers accompany them. Our trees produce yummy fruit. From the Sebastian and Port St. Lucie area all the way up through Melbourne and […]

Why Some People Don’t Evacuate During a Hurricane

why some people don't evacuate during a hurricane

When there is a hurricane warning, officials warn residents who are located in the path of the hurricane to evacuate while they still have a chance to safely relocate. There will always be some people who refuse to leave their homes while others don’t have much of a choice and they stay because of financial, […]

The Most Destructive Hurricanes

Destructive Hurricanes

Some of the most destructive hurricanes have hit the United States and caused immense grief and destruction to many people. Hurricanes are powerful forces of nature that can turn cities upside-down. Hurricanes have an agenda of their own and sometimes we don’t get hit with a powerful hurricane for a few years, but it’s best […]

How to Prepare for a Hurricane: Part 2

stormy weather ahead

When you are alerted that a hurricane could strike your hometown it’s common to experience strong emotions filled with worry and distress. Widespread panic can affect all who are in the path of this natural disaster. A hurricane has strong winds and heavy rainfall, and can cause flooding, rip currents and possibly tornados. The damage […]

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