Hurricane season arrives every year, same date, no exceptions. What changes are the weather patterns each year. Some years we see no hurricanes in Florida, other years it seems like we can’t get a break from them. We don’t know from year to year what will happen, but meteorologists do their best to predict the weather, keep us informed, and let us know what we can possibly expect.
The weather doesn’t play by man’s rules though. You may believe God is in control of nature or you may just call it Mother Nature or The Universe. However you view it, the weather does not bow to our demands, wishes, or pleas. It can be a gentle hurricane year that doesn’t seem like we even live in a state that gets hit by hurricanes or it can be horrendous hurricane year that makes it feel like all of nature is really ticked off at Florida!
The Unpredictable Hurricane Season
We’ve already experienced Dorian, which, thankfully, didn’t hit Florida nearly as hard as it hit other areas. Meteorologists aren’t sure if we’ll be hit by any of the upcoming hurricanes or tropical storms, but there are currently a handful of storms brewing in the Atlantic. If you live here in Florida, then you know that hurricanes are unpredictable even as they happen. Therefore, it is impossible to predict what will happen over the next couple of months.
Meteorologists Predictions for 2019
The meteorologists at Colorado State University are considered the nation’s leading seasonal hurricane forecasters. According to, at the beginning of 2019’s hurricane season, they predicted thirteen named storms and five hurricanes. They predicted that two of the five hurricanes would be category 3 or above. However, with weather patterns constantly changing and affecting the ocean’s water temperature, even the most accurate forecasters could be proven wrong. To help you understand, let’s compare the above prediction to 2018. Last year there were fifteen named storms, eight of which became hurricanes, two of which were category 3 or above. So far, this year has been a bit less active for Florida, and we certainly have no complaints about that!
Floridians Should Be Prepared
While we can never truly know what the hurricane season will hold until we are experiencing it, we can be as prepared as possible for it. At Brevard Shutters, we want to encourage you to begin your hurricane preparation now, if you have not already done so. When the storm is approaching, it might not leave enough time to prepare. Instead, you should be hunkering down or evacuating, not frantically putting up plywood or making a run to the store!
Hurricane Shutters in Brevard County
We also want to encourage you to come by our showroom in Melbourne, FL to view our hurricane shutter assortment, ranging from accordion shutters to hurricane fabric and more. If you do not yet have hurricane shutters, now is the time to get them before a hurricane blows through our area. Once a storm hits, we can get VERY busy, so now is the time to call us! We don’t like making our customers wait, so we much prefer you call now so that we can have your storm shutters installed and ready to go before you need them! We look forward to meeting with you and helping you choose the shutters that will best meet your needs. W