Making Your Hurricane Shutters Last

Anytime you put money into your home you hope that it is a good decision.  Often, people think that they will stay in their homes forever, but they end up moving for any of a variety of reasons.  There are some investments, though, that will always be worth it.  You will be able to enjoy […]

Hurricane Season 2019

Hurricane Season 2019

Hurricane season arrives every year, same date, no exceptions.  What changes are the weather patterns each year.  Some years we see no hurricanes in Florida, other years it seems like we can’t get a break from them.  We don’t know from year to year what will happen, but meteorologists do their best to predict the […]

Time For Hurricane Shutters?

Preparing For Hurricane

As we write our blog this month, we are in the waiting game for Hurricane Dorian to skirt our coast.  It will have come and gone by the time this blog posts and you are reading this.  So, how did you fare?  Did you have mild cleanup with a few stray branches and lots of […]

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