What to Expect from the Tropics in July?

Recently, Meteorologist Domenica Davis from the Weather Channel shared what to expect from the Atlantic basin in July.  Here is her prediction: “Well so far this year for the Atlantic hurricane season, we’ve had four named storms.  So, as we go into the month of July what can we expect?  Well July, believe it or […]

Are You Ready for 33 in ’21? Protect Yourself With Hurricane Shutters

Hurricane Season

Thirty-three… that is the alarming number of named storms the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and other sources combined are predicting for the June 1 to November 30, 2021 hurricane season. Ever Wondered How Hurricanes Are Named? Established in 1953, tropical cyclones with winds exceeding 39 miles per hour are given a name beginning with the […]

Bahama Shutters Offer Protection and Beauty for Your Home

Tropical cottage with Bahama Shutters that offers protection and beauty

With so much of the world still shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are spending more time at home. Whether you are working from home, homeschooling your children, or just being safe, you are doing so from the confines of your house. Because of this, doesn’t it make sense to make your home […]

Is It Time to Install Hurricane Shutters?

A home with plywood covering the window in preparation for a hurricane.

If you live in Florida, it is not hard to think back to the last hurricane you experienced. How did you fare? Did you have mild cleanup with a few stray branches and lots of leaves? Or, did you experience more significant damage like a broken tree limb on your roof or through a window? […]

How to Avoid Hurricane Damage in 2020

Hurricane damage to garage door

When you receive hurricane warnings for the area you live in, taking preventative measures is the best way to help minimize the amount of damage to your home. Severe winds and rain can cause enormous damage to a house if there are any weak or vulnerable areas to your home. You can reinforce these areas […]

Preparing Your Home for a Flood After a Hurricane

Flooding Room With Blank Frame Hanging On The Wall

Heavy rain, strong winds, and tidal surges are powerful effects of hurricanes. Hurricanes can cause flooding in coastal regions, inland, and in communities where you would least expect it. Floods are one of the most common natural disasters. They can be severe and destructive. Even a few inches of water can impact your home. Flood […]

What We Can Control Right Now

Contractor instaliing accordion shutters

In this very unique time in history where we are facing a pandemic like nothing we have seen since the Spanish Flu in 1918, you may be wondering what you CAN control right now.  We are facing many mandates from our local and federal governments to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and save […]

Roll-Up Shutters – On Sale Now!

Roll Up Shutters

If you have been in the market for hurricane shutters, now is the time!  We always encourage our customers to schedule their hurricane shutter installation before the hurricane season.  During the season, we tend to be more heavily scheduled causing longer wait times for our customers.  Hurricane season begins in June, so now is the […]

Hurricane Season 2019

Hurricane Season 2019

Hurricane season arrives every year, same date, no exceptions.  What changes are the weather patterns each year.  Some years we see no hurricanes in Florida, other years it seems like we can’t get a break from them.  We don’t know from year to year what will happen, but meteorologists do their best to predict the […]

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