Do Shutters Make My House Safer?

Hurricanes are unpredictable and scary.  Living in Florida we are “used to” hurricanes, just like people on the west coast of the United States are “used to” earthquakes and people in the Midwest are “used to” tornadoes.  That doesn’t make them any less unpredictable or scary.  We just might not freak out as much as someone who has never been through one.  We can’t ever be fully prepared because they so often change course, strength, or length of stay.

We can take heed during mandatory evacuations and retreat to safer areas.  But, even then, we are never fully sure what the hurricane will do.  In 2017, Hurricane Matthew completely changed course slamming the middle of the state where many people had evacuated to for safety!  We still strongly urge you to adhere to mandatory evacuations, but we are just emphasizing the unpredictability of such large and powerful storms.


Often, evacuations are voluntary; your area may not have an evacuation order.  But again, we never know for certain where the storm will truly hit the hardest.  So, what are we to do?  Quite simply, we have to be as prepared as possible.  If you have fences that are already weak, make any repairs you can, including propping them up if that’s the best you can do.


If your roof is ten years old or older, you might want to check it or pay someone to check it for leaks.  Make any repairs that need to be made.  Small roof repairs can often be done yourself, saving you money.  You can always put sandbags around your home if you are in an area in danger of flooding.  If you have a generator, make sure it is in good working order with fresh fuel.


In order to better protect yourself, your family, and your home we highly recommend the addition of hurricane shutters.  Yes, you can cover your windows with plywood.  However, this can be a major hassle, and during the time preceding an impending storm, stores often run out of plywood because so many people are doing the same thing.  Additionally, you don’t want to store a dozen or more pieces of plywood at your home in the eventuality there is a storm the following year.  So, you will find yourself doing this year after year, always with the possibility of stores not having the supplies you need.


By purchasing hurricane shutters, you are always prepared for a storm.  They protect your windows and the interior of your home from the various types of debris that become airborne due to the high winds of hurricanes and tropical storms.  Additionally, when you use plywood you are making your home dark for the duration of the storm.  If there is a loss of power (and there usually is) your home will be dark twenty-four hours a day until the storm passes.


At Brevard Shutters, we offer a variety of shutter systems.  If you don’t like the idea of your home being dark while you wait out the storm, we have a solution.  We offer clear corrugated Lexan panels which allow you to see out while still offering protection. We also have maximum impact flat Lexan see-thru panels offering the same amount of protection as aluminum or steel panels.  These panels can be installed as removable panels or permanent.  The choice is yours.  If you are in the Melbourne, FL or Palm Bay areas as well as the beachside towns, please give us a call today or stop by our showroom to see what Brevard Shutters can do for you!

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