home safety

Giving a Tremendous Gift

Those of us living in Florida know we’re approaching the end of the hurricane season. During hurricane season we watch the weather reports more regularly to make sure nothing is stirring in the Atlantic or the Gulf because we can get hit from either side.  Irma and Matthew attacked from the Atlantic and Michael attacked from the Gulf side with all three causing extensive damage.  Michael was the first Category 5 hurricane to hit us since Andrew arrived over twenty years ago.  The damage caused by any hurricane is hard to imagine if you have never seen it firsthand, but the devastation of a Cat 5 is astronomical.  People literally move away because their homes are destroyed and they can’t afford to rebuild.  They plop “for sale” signs on their properties and hope somebody can buy the land.  People lose their jobs because their businesses are literally physically destroyed and are no longer standing.  How do you go to work in an empty lot filled with debris?  Towns hit with such devastating storms may never fully recover to their former selves.


People in other states wonder how we can live here.  Why do we risk it?  But, in truth, what state is untouched by natural disasters?  There are hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or wildfires, or a combination thereof in every state of our great country. If a state existed that was literally untouched by natural disasters, it would be flooded with new residents! (No pun intended!)  The tradeoff is the years of no hurricanes, the incredible weather, and the warm, friendly people.  Those are pretty good trade-offs!


As residents of Florida, we know there are certain things you can do to prepare for upcoming storms.  One of these preparations is having hurricane shutters installed on your home.  These vary in style and price from simply practical to stylish and effective to state of the art hurricane protection.  Yes, worst-case scenario, plywood over your windows is definitely better than nothing, but it is not better than hurricane shutters.


Consider Giving the Gift of Hurricane Shutters

We have an idea that we would like to present to you.  If you are someone who has been financially blessed, then what about gifting hurricane shutters to someone who can’t afford them?  This may be a family member or neighbor.  You may feel that you want to gift them to someone who has had damage to their home from a storm and you want to help prevent it from happening again.  Whoever it is, can you imagine what a blessing it will be?  Nothing feels as good as helping someone else.


If this is something that you would like to do, then please give us a call at Brevard Shutter.  We are located in Melbourne, FL with an on-site showroom.  We offer a wide variety of shutters from simple accordion shutters to Bahama shutters and even Armor Guard to the people of Palm Bay, Viera, and all of Brevard County.  We have various price points to meet your needs.  We would love to be a part of this incredible gift, so please give us a call today!

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