post hurricane blues

Post Hurricane Blues: Part 2

Over the past couple of weeks leading up to Hurricane Irma impacting Florida, everyone pushed their bodies to the maximum limit and worked overtime preparing and packing for the storm. Everyone eagerly listened to the weather channel to check the progress and projected path of the storm. The news and weather channels informed the public about the approaching storm, but they also amplify the information that adds to stressful emotions. It may be best to turn off your television for a bit if you are one to worry and jump to conclusions in your mind. Some could say that the worst part is the amount of panic that people feel leading up to the storm. People worry about what may or may not happen, and when in a constant state of stress this weakens the immune system. Make sure to stop and rest when you need to.

After the storm hit Florida many families unpacked, cleaned and tried to get their lives back to normal or as normal as they possibly could. Traumatic events are mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. Hurricanes leave people in a frenzy and panic leading up to the impact of the storm and then after the storm passes communities are left in stressful states having to recharge their own batteries while dealing with flooding and damage to personal property. Fatigue sets in while families try their best to recover from the natural disaster that just blew through everything that was near and dear to their hearts. For those who sustained serious damage or lost their homes, their worlds are turned upside down. The panic leaves as the storm does, but now the devastation sets in to replace the panic. People lose their sense of security and feel anger, shock, grief, fear, frustration, and anxiety after they come back to see their homes after the storm. Just when one thinks all hope is lost, oftentimes the community will pull together to help those who faced the worst of the damage in the aftermath of the storm.

When you are feeling stressed out from the storm and you can feel your nerves on edge try some deep breathing exercises to calm your body and mind. Stress can be held in different parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, and back. Deep breathing is a wonderful strategy to help reduce any tightness in the body and you can do it anywhere and anytime throughout the day. If you don’t have time to sit down and do this then focus on your breathing throughout the day as you are preparing for the hurricane or post-hurricane.

If you need any help with colonial shutters in Melbourne, Florida or any other type of hurricane protection please give Brevard Shutters a call today at 321-409-9091. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and slow down.

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