preparing for hurricane

How To Prepare for a Hurricane

It’s always best to be prepared for a natural disaster like an infamous Florida hurricane. Don’t get stuck scrambling at the last minute to go out and gather supplies while the stores and streets are jam packed with every neighbor doing the same exact thing. What does it mean to be prepared for a hurricane? Getting together a survival kit that is ready year round and knowing your evacuation zones can help better prepare you during these hard times.

When is Hurricane Season?

Hurricane season is from June 1 through November 30; these are the most common times during the year when hurricanes are most likely to occur and 97% of tropical storms are most active. According to the Hurricane Research Division, the Atlantic basin has a peak season of tropical storms from August to October.

Be prepared

Have a supply kit ready with flashlights, batteries, candles, extra cash, first aid supplies, extra gallons of water, canned foods, a generator, and hand sanitizer. Pay attention to where you can seek safety and higher grounds. Know what time you have until they close the bridges if you live close to the ocean. If you need more information, contact your local hurricane emergency agency. If you decide to stay in your home during a hurricane make sure you have enough food and water for a few days just in case stores don’t reopen or if you somehow get blocked in due to flooding.

Keep communication open

Include your family and friends in your emergency planning. Even if you don’t live together under the same roof, chances are your family is going to be worried about you and what your plan of action is. Inform everyone in the household on your emergency plan whether you are choosing to stay in your home during the hurricane or evacuate. Ask your neighbors if they are planning on evacuating and where to. Most communities will be alerted through their phones, the television and internet.

To prevent damage to your home during a hurricane, consider investing in storm shutters. At Brevard Shutters servicing Melbourne and Palm Bay, we will be happy to help you prepare your home for such a disastrous event. It’s important to prepare your home in the event of a major hurricane coming through your hometown. At Brevard Shutters & Accessories, Inc. we have over seven years of experience with hurricane shutter installation. Come see our showroom today to check out all of our products or give us a call at (321) 409-9091.

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