Year-Round Storm Prep

Living in Florida, many of us are used to tropical storms and hurricanes.  For those not living here that seems like such a strange thing to say.  But, we say it just like those on the west coast are accustomed to earthquakes and those living in the Midwest are accustomed to tornadoes (although we get those too!).  We all acclimate to the place where we live.  We get used to the temperatures, the extreme weather conditions, and our daily living habits like forgetting shoes when we leave the house because that’s just “beach life.”

During hurricane season, in particular, we are reminded by our local newspapers and news channels about the things we need to do if there is a tropical storm approaching.  But, we want to remind you about some little things that you can do throughout the year to prepare so that you aren’t scrambling to do EVERYTHING when the next storm comes.  In fact, if we all did this, stores probably wouldn’t run out of supplies during a storm like they tend to do.

Take a video on your phone or video camera of the inside and outside of your house.  This can be very useful if any damage occurs.  Your homeowner’s insurance cannot dispute that prior to the storm you had a covered and screened-in porch if you have video proof that it existed!  In the case of interior damage, you will be able to show the beautiful new leather sofa you had so your insurance can’t try to just cover the amount a worn-out, floral-print sofa from 1980 is worth.

If you have space in a garage or a shed, stock up on bottled water throughout the year.  Price-gouging is illegal, but most of us have experienced it.  And, for the honest stores that don’t raise the prices when a hurricane’s about to hit, they often run out of bottled water during the impending storm.  Simply grab a case or two each month when you are at the grocery store and you should have a great supply come storm time.  It is also always a good idea to be stocked up on essentials like toilet paper and feminine products.  Even if you are willing to brave the hurricane to get these items, the stores won’t be open!  You don’t need to fill your linen closet.  Just have a little extra on hand.  It should be enough to get you through the storm.

Keep your generator in good working condition.  You don’t want to find out that it isn’t working once the lights go out!  Also, if it requires gas and oil, make sure you have a good, fresh supply on hand at all times.  Keep fresh batteries in your flashlights.  Keep them together in one place or at least know where they are all located, so you can find them quickly and easily.  Candles don’t last very long and can be dangerous.  Battery-powered camping lanterns or even the fake candles that are battery-powered are a better, safer option.

Our last suggestion is to call us!  Brevard Shutter specializes in hurricane coverings for your windows and sliding doors.  We have the most up-to-date products available, including Armor Screen.  If you haven’t seen it, then stop by our showroom today.  It is located in Melbourne, FL and open Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.  Come in, try the products, and ask questions.  If you live in the Melbourne or Palm Bay areas, we can help you choose the best product for your home and needs!

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