Shutter Holiday Decorations

Decorate Your Shutters for the Holidays

December is right around the corner and with it comes the excuse to place holiday decorations both inside and outside of your home. Whether it’s hanging ornaments and holly around the living room, or creating a full-blown holiday laser light show on your home’s exterior, you’ve probably come up with a few inspired holiday decorating ideas already.

But, what about your shutters? Sure your shutters add a nice decorative touch to your home and they provide excellent protection during hurricane season, but they still deserve a little holiday love to go along with the rest of your home. Brevard shutters would like to offer a few holidays decorating ideas that can turn your Bahama, colonial, or roll-up shutters into winter works of art.

Gift Wrap Them

One great idea for Bahama and colonial shutters is to wrap them like gifts. This can create a festive holiday look with widow-sized gifts lining the front of your home or bookending your home’s windows. We suggest using durable wrapping paper that can better stand up to the elements. You could even choose wrapping paper that matches your home’s existing color scheme. While you add it, finish your gift-wrapped shutters with a nice decorative bow. This is a quick and easy decoration idea that brings a little extra charm to your exterior during the holidays.

Use Your Shutters As a Christmas Card Display

Sure your hurricane shutters add excellent protection during hurricane season, but there’s a possibility that you can get double duty out of them during the holidays by utilizing them as a Christmas card display. The holiday season brings with it tons of cards from family and friends. Often times it’s hard to decide exactly what to do with all of the cards that you receive. If you have shutters with slats, such as Bahama or Colonial shutters, and they are in fairly protected from the elements, then you may be able to place your bounty of cards on your shutters for everyone to see. This creates a festive yet minimalist decoration for your home. Plus, it’s a great way to use any leftover cards of your own once you’re done mailing cards to all of the loved ones on your Christmas card list.

Shutters Holiday Decorations

Add Lights and Wreaths

This is a great holiday decorating idea for those of us who don’t want to spend excessive time doing arts and crafts but would still like to add a little holiday flair to your home’s shutters. Rather than, or even in addition to, hanging wreaths on your front door and windows, you can hang a wreath or two on the shutters around your windows. You could also wrap colorful lights around your shutters along with the rest of your home. Or, you could wrap small wreaths with lights and hang multiple arrangements on each shutter. Another fin idea is to create designs with the lights such as snowmen, candy canes, and other holiday-themed designs. When it comes to wreaths and lights the shutter decorating possibilities are truly only limited by your imagination.

These are just a few fun holiday decorating ideas for your shutters. We’re sure that you can come up with many great ideas of your own. Bahama, colonial, roll up and other hurricane shutters are great and offer tremendous peace of mind during the more stormy months. However, they can also be used to add tremendous enjoyment to your holiday by creating yet another blank canvas to let your imagination go wild.

That said, we don’t want to neglect the fact that it’s important to keep your home protected from not only Mother Nature, but also other security issues. The holiday season is a great time to place storm shutters for hurricane protection and the added benefits of privacy, convenience, reduced utility bills, and UV protection on your Christmas list. We encourage you to contact the storm solution experts at Brevard Shutters in Melbourne, and serving all of Brevard, Indian River, and St. Lucie counties, for a free in-home estimate. We also invite you to visit the Brevard Shutters onsite showroom to perfectly customize your protective and aesthetically pleasing Bahama or Colonial shutters for your home or business.


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